Saturday 19 July 2008

Islamic Wars


The early years---

Ridda wars

* Battle of Yamama 632
* Battle of Zafar 632
* Battle of Buzakha 632
* Battle of Ghamra 632
* Battle of Naqra 632
* Battle of Daumat-ul-jandal 633

Byzantine-Arab Wars

* Battle of Dathin - 634, 12 AH
* Battle of Qarteen 634
* Battle of Bosra 634
* Battle of Ajnadayn 634
* Battle of Marj-al-Rahit 634
* Battle of Fahl 634
* Siege of Damascus 634
* Battle of Yarmouk 636
* Siege of Jerusalem (637) 637
* Battle of Hazir 637
* Battle of Aleppo 637
* Battle of Iron bridge 637
* Battle of Heliopolis - 641, 20 AH
* Battle of Nikiou - 646, 25 AH
* Battle of That Al-Sawari - 655, 34 AH

Islamic Conquest of Persia

* Battle of Chains April 633
* Battle of River April 633
* Battle of Walaja May 633
* Battle of Ullais May 633
* Battle of Hira May 633
* Battle of Al-Anbar June-July 633
* Battle of ein-ul-tamr July 633
* Battle of Daumat-ul-jandal August 633
* Battle of Muzayyah November 633
* Battle of Saniyy November 633
* Battle of Zumail November 633
* Battle of Firaz January 634
* Battle of the Bridge - 634, 12 AH
* Battle of al-Q?disiyyah - 636, 14 AH
* Battle of Nihaw?nd - 642, 21 AH

First Islamic civil war

* Battle of Bassorah (Battle of the Camel) - 655, 34 AH
* Battle of Siffin - 657, 36 AH
* Battle of Nahrawan - 659, 37 AH
* Battle of Karbala - 680, 61 AH

Battles of the Umayyad Caliphate

* Ibn al-Zubair's revolt - 692
* Battle of the Zab Second Fitna- 750

Byzantine-Arab Wars

* Battle of Syllaeum - 677
* Battle of Carthage - 698
* Siege of Constantinople Second - 718

Khazar-Arab Wars

* 1st Balanjar - 640s
* 2nd Balanjar - 723
* Battle of Marj Ardabil - 730
* Battle of Mosul - 731
* 3rd Balanjar - 732

Moorish Invasion of the Iberian peninsula

* Battle of Guadalete - 711 CE (Tariq ibn-Ziyad)
* Battle of Toulouse - 721
* Battle of Covadonga - 722

Charles Martel

* Battle of Tours - 732
* Battle of Narbonne - 737
* Battle of Avignon - 737
* Battle of the River Berre - 737
* Battle of Nîmes - 737

The Dalai Lama calls Islam a religion of peace, but seems to be unfamiliar with almost 1,400 years of warfare being waged against those who don't want to live under Islam, the destruction of whole civilizations like the Byzantine Empire over a period of 825 years culminating with the taking of Constantinople and the three days of murder and looting which followed its capture on 29th May 1453, the conquest of Spain and Portugal from 711 - 718 and the start of the 773 years long Reconquista which resulted in the freeing of Spain on 2nd January 1492 - a date that rankles with Osama bin Laden, and the fact that the whole of Europe was one battle away from falling to the Jihad at Tours in 732.

Meanwhile, while this was happening, Persia, Afghanistan and Pakistan were overrun in the late 600s, likewise the Middle East and North Africa, and from 1000 to 1525, more than 70 million Hindus were massacred by the invading Muslims, and the massacres continued up to 1761.

And following the fall of Constantinople, Greece was conquered by the Ottomans by 1460, Hungary in 1526, Vienna was besieged in 1529 and unlike Constantinople it survived. And only 154 years after the first Siege of Vienna, the Turkenglocke was sounded again with Vienna under siege again, and on the date which according to Hilaire Belloc, ought to be amongst the most famous in history - 11th September 1683, Jan Sobieskis Winged Hussars triumphed and the Turks were defeated and driven back. And Islamic warfare against the infidel continued throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, encompassing the Greek Revolution in the 1820s through to wars against the new Jewish state of Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973, and thanks to political correctness in the West, hostile Muslims have been given a blank cheque to wage war, knowing that if they come off worst, they'll be rescued by public opinion in countries that have forgotten the past and choose to ignore the future. And this after 3,000 innocents murdered by the sort of cold blooded killing automatons inculcated in the immutable texts of the Koran, Sira and hadith in the 911 atrocity, followed by almost 11,500 Islamic terror atrocities over the following seven years - atrocities that include London, Madrid, Mumbai, Beslan, Bali to name but a few. We saw Hizbollah terrorists kidnap and murder Israeli soldiers on Israeli soil in 2006, then when the Israelis took action, Western news media outlets were only too willing to accept Hizbollah forgeries and lies as facts, academia and politicians and all manner of stupid Leftists undermined the Israelis and showed their solidarity with the barbarous murdering heathens of Hizbollah. Evil really does side with evil.

On top of this, almost 1.5 million white Europeans were kidnapped on the seas and even from their own homes and churches, (Cornwall in 1625 and Baltimore, Ireland in 1631 spring to mind) by Muslim Barbary Pirates and sold into slavery between 1550 and around 1816, when only naval action finally stopped this white slave trade that few hear about through political correctness, where over 250 years of negotiations and paying tribute had previously failed. Let that experience be a lesson for future negotiations with the mad ayatollahs of Iran who today threaten the existence of Israel and promise to bring about a second nuclear Holocaust.

All in all, this 'peaceful religion' has presided over the slaughter of over 270 million infidels whose 'crime' was to refuse to accept the Koranic way of life - a death toll which mounts with every passing year, and we didn't keep our freedoms by negotiation in the past, but by sword, bow, musket and cannon and the brave men who used them.

We forget all of this at our peril.
