Friday 22 May 2009


Atheists are aggressive, insulting, prejudiced and hostile. They talk about “live and let live” but are not prepared to let others do the same. They talk about “double standards,” while practising double standards themselves and they abuse those who are different from themselves rather than accepting them.

They take the Bible literally instead of trying to understand the point that is being made and follow the crowd because they are unable to reason things out for themselves while often inflaming the situation by twisting what Christians have said.

The atheists rejection of Christian morality has led to increased promiscuity and drug taking resulting in the chav culture and general disrespect for other people leading to deprivation of others due to the greed and selfishness of those in high places which has engulfed the whole of society resulting in the “look after number one culture “while at the same time they blame everyone but themselves for the problems in society which they by their action and speech acquiesce to.
