Sunday 17 May 2009

Deuteronomy 20

Deuteronomy 20

The Israelites were not enslaving anyone they were buying slaves in the slave markets from around the world. These people were already slaves and in need of a good, secure and safe home and in Israel there were laws for their protection that did not exist anywhere else.

Other nations treated slaves as commodities to be sold on for profit and then discarded when they were too old and frail to work. Had these poor people needed to fend for themselves they would surely have died of cold and starvation but this way they had a home and security for life. After about seven thousand years we have forgotten the social conditions of the day as life was then and it is verses like this that show the goodness and provision of a loving God.

As it was they had security for life and not many people can say that today. Not only that but the provision of a will sets it out legally, the inheritor perhaps not wanting an elderly and frail dependent to look after, but the slaves security is ensured.

The death penalty was for killing your slave and followed the established rule of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Furthermore there is no record of it ever happening because the slave owner valued his own life too much so the life of the slave was safe.

Today beating your servant would be like trashing your car, you wouldn't do it. Like it says in the Bible it is your money and you are the looser.

Slaves or more properly servants in the Bible were free to go after six years; they were cared for and given shelter and food in return for work. They became part of the family and often chose to stay with the family even when they were free to go.

Compare that to Roman and Egyptian slaves and it is a different story altogether. Remember when the Egyptians held the Israelites they would not let them go, giving rise to the well known song, "Let My People Go." Not only that but if someone in the Bible ill-treated a slave it was the master who was punished. Bible slaves were well looked after and protected and their lifestyle can in no way be compared to modern slavery which Christians stopped while it was the non-Christian atheists who argued to keep people in enslavement.

Is about when the Israelites were going into the Promised Land.
The rules of combat were that people were humanly given the opportunity to surrender thus ensuring their safety. They would be subordinate but they would be protected from other nations because they now belonged to Israel and they would have been relatively free to live their lives as they always had done.

Should they choose not to surrender then it would be a fight to the death but the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city would be safe and looked after by the Israelites as there were no men of the city to care for the women and children and the Bible is very clear that they should be looked after.
